I Can’t sleep – How our accomplishments matter at the end of the day

In my bed. AC turned on. My bed cover on. Perfect temperature. Dim lighting from the rust-coloured lamp placed in the corner of my room. So flawless an atmosphere yet I can’t sleep. And there are people who sleep well on roads. On the hottest of deserts and the freezing slopes of the Himalayas.

Sleep is not just an ordinary act. Rest is. But sleep requires something even more. It doesn’t require waking up for long. Eyes open, wasting time. It requires accomplishments. The ticking off of goals from your daily to-do list. That is what is required for sleep.

Dedicating this post to all those who have trouble sleeping, let me tell you something. It’s not a disease but a partial or entire failure of you to accomplish your daily goals. So if you are not able to sleep, follow this,

  1. Make a to-do list mentioning all your tasks you have to do tomorrow and prioritise your tasks putting them first on list because your sleep is really important.
  2. Try to not over burden yourself by putting too much work load on yourself became sometimes you run out of inspiration and you feel hopeless and unsatisfactory.
  3. Gradually make yourself more and more punctual and tough because a competent person is the one who is above all in terms of discipline and punctuality. Because the obedience of these principles arouses the motivation for hard work.

By starting off like this, you’ll start to be excited and satisfied when sleeping because you are pumped and excited to see what’s new and waiting for hours to come. This has the following benefits according to research,

  • A healthier and happier lifestyle 
  • A boosted self confidence 
  • A more satisfied and accomplished life
  • More inspiration to perform routine tasks.

All these benefits will be a great boost in your life.. so sleep tight tonight because tomorrow features something only time can perceive.

It’s so meaningful what Paulo Coelho says in the Alchemist . Success is being able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace.

American Made US Flags

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  1. Really inspiring brother….
    Its looks like you have been inspired by the book named ‘7 Habits of highly effective teens’ by sean covey
    Well pretty much loved it keep it up

    I want more!! (BTW Really helpfull)

    Liked by 1 person

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